Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Boys Room

It was time...Luke was climbing into Jonathan's crib.  So it finally worked out by the grace of God. A friend of ours, Jordan Rodriguez and Mark skillfully put together the boys new beds. So,at the beginning of May, our 2 year old twins Jonathan and Luke moved out of their cribs and into beds.  What a time of transition!  Just imagine having a sleepover with your best friend every night.  Endless wresting, riding the bed rails like a horse, taking their pajamas off,  abounding laughter and conversations.  Let's just say it's a lot of fun:)  Then in June we moved our 1 year old son, Matthias into his crib in the room with them. Once again and even more so, let us say it's an exciting and fun time!  Not without it's many challenges of course and a lot of prayer but overall the transition has and is going well. Here is a little taste of this exciting time...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay!!! Oh, those videos cracked me up! So proud of them, and you guys too. :)