Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Jesus is Alive!

What an exciting time it was this year to celebrate Easter with our boys.  They enjoyed celebrating with us the Truth in that Jesus died for our sins and then rose again.  Oh how big their smiles were and how joyously loud they shouted..."Jesus is alive!" on Easter Sunday. We start the week leading up to Easter by lighting a set up candles.  Each night we read a portion of the Easter Story and then blew out a candle.  By Friday all the candles would be blown out, symbolizing the death of Jesus.  And then on Easter Sunday all the candles are lit, displaying that Jesus is alive.  The boys also enjoyed making various crafts over the week leading up to Easter.

It's become a tradition for us to have the boys search for rocks to put in their Easter baskets on Good Friday.  We share with them the weightiness (illustrated in the weight of their baskets they are carrying) of sin that Jesus bore on the cross for our sins. We then cover the baskets with a red cloth symbolizing Jesus' death.  On Easter morning the boys wake up to find their baskets no longer covered in red but in purple (symbolizing Jesus' victory over death).  And the baskets are no longer filled with rocks but with fun snacks and toys, which illustrates God's goodness in sending Jesus to die for our sins making a way for us to know God.

 Easter Sunday

On Sunday we went to church in the morning and then got together with Kristin's family for dinner.  What a great celebration, not only on Easter Sunday but every day for a Christian. Jesus is Alive!

A Weekend Together

Mark's parents came down to visit for an extended weekend in March and what a wonderful time it was!  That weekend Mark and his Dad went to our church's Men's Retreat and Jane (Mark's Mom) spent time with me and the boys.  We had a blast! The men had a fun time together on the retreat too. Pictures of that retreat can be found on our church's website What a blessing family is.  We love whenever we can visit with one another.  Here are some photos from our time together over that weekend:

Fun Times With Our Three Amigos

 Matthias loves singing ABCs while he waits patiently for his food to be ready.

Jonathan delights to teach his brothers throughout the day.

Luke enjoys finding exciting new adventures to explore and conquer.

 Yes, Matthias has learned to climb out of his crib.  He just wants to be with his brothers.  So when we told him that he couldn't climb out anymore, his brothers decided to joined him.


 These three amigos have such amazing imaginations.  Whether it's building a house using an easel, playing the role of the person's shoes they find to wear or turning a laundry basket into a's a fun time together!

We are happy to say that the twins are doing quite well at potty training and Matthias is not too far behind :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hello 2013!

So, here we are in 2013.  Mark is continuing full time as a Youth Pastor at New Life Baptist Church in Davie, FL. New Life is nearing the completion of our first building and we hope to move in over the summer.  Kristin is full time at home with the boys.  Her days are spent either at home teaching the boys or out and about among the parks of Broward County.  Jonathan (age 3) is growing into a strong leader and helper.  Luke (age 3) is full of curiosity, smiles and laughter.  Matthias (almost 2 yrs old) is a determined little man, quick learner and bundle of joy.

We enjoyed celebrating Christmas and New Years with our church, family and friends.  Here are some fun moments we captured during that time together...

An Update...Let's Start with Thanksgiving 2012

Sorry for the lateness in updating our blog.  With three lively boys ages three and under, who no longer take naps...our free time is now filled with sleeping or caring for our responsibilities that we don't get around to doing during the daytime :)

Here are some photos from our time celebrating Thanksgiving in 2012.  The boys learned about the Pilgrims and Indians, as they enjoyed doing crafts and games at home.  On Thanksgiving we our church gathered together for a pancake breakfast at Sheridan Hills Baptist Church.  Later that day we visited with family.  All in all it was a fun day and a good reminder of all that we have to be thankful for.