Friday, August 15, 2014

Fun Moments

 Arrrr! Ahoy matey! Where be the cookies?
DUMP EVERYTHING... Area under construction!
 These musicians are only available on the weekends!  Booking them for an event can be done through their agent.
 (a.k.a. their big brother J)
" Look Mom, no hands!" 
 "Go faster Daddy, go faster!"
 Mic testing...1,2, I on?
 Early one morning the three amigos woke up before the break of dawn and found some dry erase markers.  They then decided to begin their coloring adventure.  Being proud of their works of art, these young Picassos ran into Momma and Daddy's room shouting "Look, isn't it beautiful!"  We woke up to quite a display of colorful artwork all over their bedroom (walls, carpet and bedsheets) as well as all over their bodies.  With surprised smiles on our faces we acknowledged that their artistic ability is amazing but we kindly suggested using a different medium for expression.
 Learning what it means to PUT ON LOVE.  Let us love one another!
 The wheels on the bus go round and round!
 Cooling off in the pool on hot summer days!
 Dinner's ready!  Lego people come on over to J's kitchen table.
 Choo!  Choo!  All aboard the bear train!

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