Below is a copy of our Christmas Letter 2009. Thanks for all of your prayers over the past several months!
Dear Family & Friends,
To say that 2009 has been a memorable year would be to say that the discovery of the wheel was merely neat. This year has been forever life changing in the Schweitzer home as we welcomed twin boys into our family on October 27th! Jonathan Mark and Luke Carson were born only a minute apart bringing great joy and the answer to many prayers.
As many of you know, to quote Charles Dickens, It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Our God saw fit that we should not be blessed with only two miracles, but rather that we would be privileged to trust Him for a third. Minutes after delivery, Kristin was faced with a life threatening blood clot which was found to be an inch from her heart. The boys were both healthy and strong (Jonathan weighing 6lbs. 7oz. and Luke 6lbs. 14oz.) but Kristin was rushed to the ICU. This began what would end up being a 13 day journey in the hospital and months of recovery. In order to treat a large blood clot which is dangerously close to major organs, one is required to go on heavy blood thinners.
After having major surgery, like a cesarean twin delivery, ones body needs blood to clot in order to heal. Therein is found the precarious place in which we stood. So we began reminding ourselves of the hope we have in God through Christ, instead of dwelling on the present circumstances.
"Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, my salvation and my God." Psalm 43:5
That night, Kristin was transferred to a larger and more fully staffed hospital with the best Critical Care Unit in the area. The following morning Kristin was not doing well; her vital signs were weakening as the blood thinning medicine was causing massive internal bleeding. During a CT scan around 10 am, a code blue was called; Kristin’s pulse and blood pressure were all but gone. Standing outside the room a nurse came and grabbed Mark by the hand and said, Go find a place and call out to Jesus. That is what the group that was there had been doing and that is what we steadfastly continued.
"… at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:10
There is power in the name of Jesus! God sent His son to purchase for us every good gift when He died upon the cross because we could not achieve this task on our own. All healing has been secured for those who trust in Him, it is just a question of timing, whether that healing is granted in this life or the next. Our God answers prayer.
As we prayed, God worked through amazing surgeons and excellent medical staff to bring about healing in Kristin’s life. Kristin had emergency surgery to stop the internal bleeding, one to one nursing for nearly five days and a second emergency procedure to stop internal bleeding a few days later. We saw the mighty hand of God remove the threat of the inoperable, 5cm blood clot in a matter of days which allowed Kristin to receive a procedure to insert a filter to ensure no other blood clots can get to the heart. God is faithful and can bring healing through the means of doctors and medicine as well as through His own miraculous work.
After eleven days, Kristin was moved to a regular recovery room; that night she was reunited with Jonathan and Luke, whom she had yet to see. A few days later we rejoiced as she was discharged to come home. While the road to recovery has been and still is a long one, we know that our God is good and is faithful to complete that which He has begun.
We praise God this Christmas season for His faithfulness and for so many of you who have and are praying for us. We rejoice constantly over so many of you who have provided help throughout our time of need. We have been overwhelmed by the love and care we have received. It is our prayer that you will delight in trusting God for your life and praise Him with us for all that He has done as we celebrate a truly Merry Christmas!
2009 is a year that will be permanently burned into our memory, not for the trials and hardship, but rather for how our God worked mightily in bringing us through them. We now enjoy our two healthy, growing boys and the wonderful family of four that God has given us. May our Lord bless you in Jesus Christ this Christmas and in the New Year!
Love, Mark, Kristin, Jonathan & Luke
Dear Mark and Kristin,
We rejoice with you in the birth of your boys and Kristin's recovery. (they happen to share a birthday with my son) We love you both and hope to see you someday when you can travel our way.
love, Ira and Abbey
Wow guys,
I don't even know where to start. The story is amazing. Mark, to say your faith is extraordinary might be understating things. I remember having to deal with Tucker's Spina Bifida, but there was never really a question of whether anyone was going to live or die. You two are exceptional people! Hope to hear from you soon!
The boys are so beautiful!! I love your heart of faith :)
What an amazing story, and the twins are adorable. May God continue to bless you in 2010.
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