Jonathan and Luke are always having a great time together! Sometimes nap times are not for sleeping but are filled with hours of laughter. Playtimes are exciting as they are regularly interacting with one another. Spontaneous wrestling matches are known to erupt while toys get strewn everywhere. Good times!
At Jonathan's 9 month appointment he weighed 19lbs 5oz and was 29 1/2in tall. Here it is a few months later and he is crawling all over the place and climbing everything in sight. Eating is still his passion. He is full of fun energy, loud noises and many delightful expressions.
Luke's 9 month appointment went well. His weight at the time was 18lbs and 7oz. His height measured at 28 3/4in. Oh how fast the time goes by. Now at 11 months, Luke is crawling...climbing...trying to walk...and enjoys being up-side-down. He is quite an entertainer, with smiles and fun conversations for all.