It was an exciting time in the Schweitzer home as we introduced Jonathan and Luke to rice cereal for the first time. The boys didn't know what to do with the cereal once it was placed in their mouths. After many tears of confusion as to what in the world are you feeding me, Jonathan has taken to eating it quite well that he doesn't like to have to wait in between spoonfuls. Luke on the other hand is getting use to eating it but likes to play with it on his tongue more so than swallowing it. It's our evening entertainment as a family!
At the boys 4 month appointment, Jonathan weighed just under 14 lbs and was 26 inches tall. Luke weighed 13 lbs and was 25 inches tall. Both are doing well. They are enjoying sitting in the bumbo seat to practice sitting up on their own. Luke finds joy in sticking his tongue out and Jonathan is turning over every moment he can.
We had a wonderful time visiting with our family over the past few weeks. Mark's Dad enjoyed playing cards with Jonathan and his Mom delighted in walking around with Luke. Kristin's grandparents got to feed the boys one night after dinner. Mark's Aunt and Uncle came over for dinner on Monday since they were done in Miami for a business trip. Overall it was a great time filled with fun memories. Family is such a cherished gift from God!